多样性、股票 & 包容|学生体验

welcome新2登录基斯最统一的方面是我们的学校社区, 哪个是由学生组成的, 教师, 员工来自不同的背景和文化. We are bonded by experiences shared on campus and by ideals held in common and carried forward long after students leave Lakeville.

强度ening our 文化 with respect to the experiences of students of color and those from other marginalized groups is pivotal to creating a truly pluralistic and inclusive environment.

welcome新2登录基斯|丹妮尔·弗格森(Danielle Ferguson), 1997年

“对我来说最重要的是什么, 这是我认识到的与其他学校不同的地方, 这是不是说工作不完全落在一个人或一小群人的肩上, 在整个过程中,学生的声音一直很强烈.”

——丹尼尔·S. Ferguson '97,联席主席,博士&委员会,理事会



welcome新2登录基斯社区包括自认为是异性恋的学生和成年人, 同性恋, 反式, genderqueer, 非二进制, 那些表现和自身性别不符, 性别流体, 日期, cis-male, 和cis-female. We strive to ensure that everyone in our community feels recognized for who they are and who they are in the process of becoming so that they may discover and fulfill their full potential.


welcome新2登录基斯社区代表了广泛多样的宗教和精神传统. We strive to make it possible for all students to practice their faiths freely and without obstacles. The Director of 精神和宗教生活 at welcome新2登录 works to arrange religious services on campus and to secure 反式portation for students to attend the area mosque, 会堂, 天主教堂, 或者其他校外的礼拜场所.