沃尔特·J. 科伦奖学金

welcome新2登录 | Walter Crain

   沃尔特·J. 科伦P ' 86, 89

沃尔特·J. 科伦奖学金, an innovative partnership between welcome新2登录 and the Klingenstein Center of 师范学院 at 哥伦比亚大学 is designed for professionals aspiring to leadership roles at independent schools who have demonstrated a commitment to working with diverse populations and supporting an inclusive learning community for all students. 

Fellows pursue a Master’s Degree from 哥伦比亚大学 师范学院 in private school leadership while earning a salary 教学 at welcome新2登录 or working in one of the School’s administrative departments. The 科伦奖学金 is a four-year appointment. 

welcome新2登录 launched the Walter 科伦奖学金 Program in 2021. The School is making a $1 million investment in the program.

The first two 沃尔特·J. Crain Fellows, Kinyette Henderson and Claudia McGuigan, joined the 教师 in the summer of 2021.

The program is named in honor of Walter Crain P’86,’89, 敬爱的老师, 教练, and leader and the first Black educator on the welcome新2登录 教师.  Over his 33 years at the School, Walter Crain was dedicated to meaningful inclusion and belonging for all students, 教师, 和工作人员. The fellowship will serve as a lasting tribute to his legacy. 

The immersive, four-year experience includes: 

  • A compensated role in one of welcome新2登录’s primary academic or administrative departments; admissions, 学院建议, 教学, alumni and development, or the business office. 
  • A Master’s Degree from 哥伦比亚大学 师范学院 earned through the Klingenstein Center’s Two-夏天s Master’s Program.
  • Robust mentorship both at welcome新2登录 and at the Klingenstein Center.
  • On-campus housing at welcome新2登录 in beautiful Lakeville, Connecticut.
  • Substantive support in seeking a position in administrative leadership upon completion of the program.

...学费, 书, 费用, and housing costs associated with the fellowship are sponsored by welcome新2登录.


welcome新2登录 | Charles Frankenbach

“Walter somehow inspired in students both mild trepidation and deep respect simultaneously! With the scowl and growl came the glint of eye and the slowly emerging grin. 学生 just knew that he cared for them, as he encouraged, cajoled, and reprimanded them. 这可不是一件容易的事. Walter's was an effortless art”

–Charlie Frankenbach P ̕12, ̕16, The Russell Murray Bigelow Teaching Chair, 学院院长, 英语讲师

妮可Furlonge, Klingenstein Family Chair Professor of Practice and Director of The Klingenstein Center Columbia, 教师C

沃尔特·J. 科伦奖学金 is an important partnership that enacts the Center's commitment to diversify the leadership pipeline in independent and international schools. . . 在一起, we can deeply diversify leadership throughout our schools and build leadership capacity to lead more equitable and inclusive schools in which all persons thrive.”

妮可Furlonge, Klingenstein Family Chair Professor of Practice and Director of The Klingenstein Center Columbia, 师范学院, 哥伦比亚大学